Our front porch looks great!
Speaking of paint, we have a built in book shelf in our living room that has been neglected since we moved in. I finally decided to spruce up this corner of the living room and paint the inside of the book shelf. I wanted the same blue/gray color in our rug but couldn't really find what I was looking for. One day while looking for something in the garage, I came across the leftover cans of paint (including samples we didn't use) when we had the interior of our house painted. One sample, which we decided wasn't what we were looking for, looked like the perfect color for the book shelf. The color is Sherwin Williams Storm Cloud.
Painting the book shelf has made a huge difference and actually makes this corner of the living room stand out.
On another note, Jeff completed his first triathlon in Galveston yesterday. I am so proud of him! It was inspirational to watch the participants in this event--some obviously seasoned triathletes (a 70 year old man--WOW), others, not so much. Seeing some of these people really makes you believe, no matter how old you are or your athletic ability, anything is possible.
Before the race began
Race number
It's a bit difficult to see, but this is his group waiting on the pier to jump in the water.
His group lined up and ready to begin the race
Swimming in the bay
After the swim, running to the transition area
Transition area, getting prepared for the bike race
This photo comes with an explanation. This is where participants ended the bike race back into the transition area. Unfortunately, my camera takes it's sweet time to focus and by the time I captured the photo, Jeff had sped by.
Beginning of the three mile run
About to cross the finish line
He even received a medal:) His final time was 1 hour 35 minutes. I foresee more triathlons in his future.
And if that wasn't enough information for one post, my final bit of exciting news--I am semi retired at the moment!!!!! Insert yahoos, cheers of joy, fist pumps, etc. here. My last day of work was last Friday and I almost cartwheel-ed my way out of that office. I wasn't excited to leave that job or anything--ha! We had a perfect ending to the day Friday with a fajita and margarita dinner with Kimmy and Jon. Fun times! My retirement will only last two weeks, but it's going to be wonderful. I've got many exciting things planned, including projects around the house, lunch with friends, cooking, baking, ect. I am so excited about my new job and as excited as I am about the time off, I am really looking forward to my new job!